The Benefits of White Fillings

“What Are Fillings?”

Fillings are a treatment used for patients who suffer from tooth decay. While fillings can be made out of a variety of materials such as silver amalgam, gold, composite resin, and porcelain, we here at Dentistry on Danforth prefer white fillings made out of tooth-coloured resin for the majority of our patients.

“What are the Benefits of White Fillings Specifically?”

The benefits of tooth-coloured fillings specifically are as follows:

  • A natural-looking appearance, thereby making them perfect for patients who want to retain the look of their natural smile
  • Their ability to attach directly to the tooth in question, meaning that patients with a broken tooth can receive a white filling in order to quickly and effectively restore their tooth’s original shape (which is sometimes not an option with other filling materials)
  • The reinforcement of the tooth’s structure that the composite resin provides; it, in turn, works to insulate the tooth against changes in temperature to ensure that there is no pain or discomfort from daily activities such as drinking or eating (even if you have naturally sensitive teeth!)

To create a white filling, tooth-coloured resin is applied in layers before being hardened by high-intensity light. From there, your dentist here at Dentistry on Danforth will proceed to shape the material to the exact contour of your tooth and finish it off with a polish to ward off premature staining and/or wear.

“What Makes Someone Eligible for a Filling?”

Anyone with adult teeth impacted by a cavity is eligible for fillings. Early treatment of a cavity via fillings can prevent needing further dental work surrounding abscesses, tooth loss, and/or gum infections.

For white fillings, anyone who is looking to preserve the look of their original smile is encouraged to choose white fillings as their material.

Experience the Benefits of White Fillings First-Hand With Dentistry on Danforth 

Need a solution to your cavity? Book your appointment with us today to remove your discomfort and return to your natural smile.