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Can Dental Bonding Fix Crooked Teeth?

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Can Dental Bonding Fix Crooked Teeth?

What is Dental Bonding? 

Dental bonding, or tooth bonding, is a procedure performed by your dentist which adheres a composite material to a tooth with a structural problem. Often bonding is used as a less noticeable alternative to a traditional filling, and is an excellent cosmetic solution for those suffering from minor tooth damage.

What Sort of Problems Can Bonding Fix?

If you’ve ever had a tooth that just doesn’t quite fit with the rest,  you know how uncomfortable it can feel inside your mouth, and how self-conscious it can make you about your smile. Bonding seamlessly eliminates the frustration that comes with having a tooth not look the way it should by restoring its appearance.

Bonding can be used to address:

  • Chips
  • Cracks
  • Decay
  • Discoloration
  • Misshapen teeth
  • Gaps between teeth

If any of the above issues are affecting your smile, bonding can protect your teeth from further problems and help you regain your confidence. If on the other hand, you’re looking for straighter teeth in general, you may need orthodontic work done or to purchase veneers.

Why Can’t Bonding Fix Crooked Teeth?

Bonding is an excellent way to make minor adjustments to individual teeth, especially if you are suffering from any of the problems listed above. Your dentist doesn’t need to take a mold of your mouth, and can complete the entire process with you seated in the chair.

To have your teeth entirely reshaped however, is beyond the scope of bonding. In the case of veneers for example, your dentist will need to use completely customized materials to give you a new smile. Veneers are created in a lab from a mold of your mouth, and take multiple visits to the dentist to have completed.

What Do I Need If I Want to Straighten My Teeth?

Veneers are a form of cosmetic dentistry that are generally used for more comprehensive work, such as altering the appearance of multiple teeth. Similarly to bonding, a veneer is created from a material that’s been made to look like real teeth that is then adhered to the front of your original tooth with a strong cement-like bonding agent. Unlike bonding however, veneers require your teeth to undergo a fairly in-depth re-shaping process (including the shaving down of tooth enamel) in order to properly align your new smile.

If you have multiple crooked teeth and are looking for a completely updated smile, then custom-made veneers may be the best solution for you.

How Long Does Dental Bonding Take?

One of the appeals of tooth bonding is how quickly you can have it done. A typical procedure takes only 30-60 minutes, and can be completed in a single visit. Dental bonding also doesn’t require you to take any special precautions before having the procedure done, such as altering your diet.

Is Bonding Safe?

Dental bonding is a perfectly safe procedure that will leave your tooth looking much better than it did before you had the bonding completed. Dentists are the experts when it comes to tooth bonding, and will make sure your experience is as comfortable and pain-free as possible.

Are There Times Dental Bonding Won’t Work?

If you’ve suffered serious damage to a tooth that can’t be fixed by bonding, your dentist may recommend having a crown (also known as a cap) put in. Crowns are usually reserved for tooth decay that can’t be remedied with a filling, and are different from bonding in that they are custom made to actually fit over the top of your old tooth. Unless your tooth is severely decayed or cracked though, bonding can likely do the job.

Dentistry on Danforth: Your Home for Bonding & Veneers

While tooth bonding won’t fix crooked teeth, it can deal with a lot of other problems and takes very little time to complete. If you are looking for a straighter smile all round however, veneers are an excellent way to achieve the smile of your dreams. If you’re in the Riverdale and Danforth area of Toronto, stop in to see Dr. Papadopoulos and allow him to give you his expert opinion on which of these cosmetic dental procedures is right for you.

Written by Dr. Kostas Papadopoulos

Dr. Kostas Papadopoulos received his Doctor of Dental Surgery degree from the University of Toronto in 1992 after completing 3 years of biochemistry and the 4-year program in dentistry. He enjoys continuing education and has attended numerous rehabilitative and cosmetic dentistry programs, including courses taught by Dr. John Kois.

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