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Should I Get My Teeth Cleaned Before Whitening?

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A woman smiling while a dentist examines her mouth during a dental cleaning to prepare her for teeth whitening.

A dazzling smile can light up a room, but achieving one often requires more care than just brushing and flossing. In-office teeth whitening can make a significant difference in your smile’s appearance, giving you that bright, white, vibrant smile you deserve. But should you get your teeth cleaned before whitening?

The answer? Yes, you should always have your teeth professionally cleaned before whitening. This removes any stuck-on particles, tartar, and plaque that otherwise would hinder the whitening from reaching its full potential.

How Does Teeth Whitening Work?

Teeth whitening is a popular treatment designed to lighten the colour of your teeth and remove stains or discolouration. This approach focuses on using bleaching agents—typically hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide—to break down the particles that make up the stains. 

These bleaching agents penetrate the enamel and the dentin layers of the teeth, where they then cause a chemical reaction that lifts and dismantles these stains. This is an efficient approach, but the effectiveness depends on your degree of discolouration.

Usually, a single in-office treatment shows a significant difference, giving you results that can last for months. Meanwhile, there are take-home kits designed to offer you shorter-term convenient results. 

Why You Should Schedule a Dental Cleaning

The premise behind dental cleaning is simple—to penetrate through surface stains and break them apart before washing them away. However, this isn’t always the most effective approach, especially when there’s a buildup of plaque and tartar.

A professional teeth cleaning is key before a whitening session. This makes sure that your teeth and gums are free from any buildup and lets your dentist check for problems like:

  • Cavities
  • Gum disease
  • Infection

This means that you’ll be going into your whitening appointment with healthy, strong teeth, making the cleaning investment more worthwhile.

What to Expect from Teeth Whitening

Before your teeth whitening treatment with our team, your dentist will examine your teeth to determine if whitening is a safe approach for you. We’ll discuss your goals, walk you through what to expect, and discuss alternatives if needed. Then, we can begin the process.

During the Treatment

We’ll create custom-fitted trays for your teeth to ensure a comfortable and even application of the whitening gel. These are designed to fit your specific teeth structure to give you optimal results and can be used for both in-office and at-home treatments.

During your in-office session, we’ll apply a special gel to these trays and fit them onto your teeth. This gel is then activated with a special light, which begins the bleaching process. Typically, this entire process takes roughly 45 minutes or so, offering immediate results.

After your session, you’ll be able to keep the trays and receive a less-concentrated gel formula you can use at home. You can apply this twice daily, or overnight while you sleep, to help preserve your results. This gives you a convenient and long-lasting way to maintain your smile.

After Your Treatment

We’ll provide clear instructions on how to use the whitening gel and mouthpiece at home to help you achieve the results you’re looking for. You’ll be able to follow this treatment for 1–2 weeks, depending on your desired level of whitening.

After this time, we’ll schedule a follow-up appointment to assess your results and make any adjustments if needed. Remember—our goal is to help you maintain your dental health and overall aesthetic, and we’re here to help.

A woman smiling at a mirror while a dentist shows her the results of her teeth whitening procedure.

How Long Does Teeth Whitening Last?

If you have a regular dental care routine, your teeth whitening results should last for months or years. However, proper maintenance is key to prolonging these effects.

To help you preserve your bright smile, consider the following tips:

  • Brush your teeth at least twice a day. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride-based toothpaste to keep your teeth clean and strong.
  • Floss at least once a day. This helps dislodge any stuck food particles and prevents bacterial buildup to prevent gum disease, decay, cavities, and more.
  • Use antibacterial mouthwash. This helps kill residual bacteria in your mouth.
  • Rinse your mouth after eating. This helps to remove any remaining particles.
  • Avoid stain-causing food and drinks, like wine, berries, and coffee.
  • Avoid tobacco products. These are well-known for how they stain your teeth.

Meanwhile, regular dental cleanings play an important role as well. This lets an experienced professional remove any stuck-on stains, tartar, and plaque to help you preserve your teeth whitening results for a long time.

Book Your Visit Today

A bright white smile is within reach, and our team at Dentistry on Danforth is here to help you reach your goals. Whether you need a professional cleaning, whitening session, or both, we can help! Request your appointment with our clinic today, and move one step closer to achieving a smile you love.

Written by Dr. Kostas Papadopoulos

Dr. Kostas Papadopoulos received his Doctor of Dental Surgery degree from the University of Toronto in 1992 after completing 3 years of biochemistry and the 4-year program in dentistry. He enjoys continuing education and has attended numerous rehabilitative and cosmetic dentistry programs, including courses taught by Dr. John Kois.

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