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How Long Do Night Guards Last?

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A person smiling and holding up a clear night guard in front of a blank gray background.

When it comes to maintaining a healthy smile, most of us focus on brushing and flossing every night. This is a core part of your dental care routine, and it’s key to keeping a bright, strong smile. But sometimes, you may also need to protect your teeth from nightly grinding, which can lead to significant dental problems if left unaddressed.

Fortunately, a night guard can help with teeth grinding. These protect your sleep while you rest, and with proper care, they can last for several years. They’re an excellent investment if you grind your teeth!

What Are Night Guards?

Night guards, also known as bite splints or occlusal guards, are removable protective devices. They’re designed to be worn over your teeth while you sleep and prevent the damage caused by grinding your teeth and clenching your jaw—a condition medically referred to as bruxism.

Many people might not even realize they’re grinding their teeth at night. Without a night guard, bruxism can cause complications like enamel wear, tooth damage, strain, and jaw pain.

If you’ve ever woken up with a sore jaw, headache, or significant pain in your teeth, you might be dealing with bruxism. Night guards can offer a simple yet effective solution to protect your teeth and give you a more comfortable start to the day.

Are Night Guards Worth It?

Night guards can be an excellent investment. By acting as a barrier between your teeth, night guards can help prevent wear and tear. They can also alleviate pressure on your jaw muscles and reduce pain from grinding. As a result, you may notice:

  • Better sleep quality
  • Less morning fatigue
  • Reduced discomfort

Treating bruxism early can help prevent damaged teeth and jaw pain. Night guards and other preventive dentistry services can help you avoid more serious complications down the line. Addressing concerns early can save you time and discomfort.

Plus, protecting your teeth from bruxism can save you from restorative procedures like fillings or root canals down the line. Though night guards are a simple approach, they can make a significant difference.

Can Night Guards Last Forever?

While night guards are durable, they don’t last forever. The lifespan of a night guard varies depending on several factors, such as:

  • The material used
  • How much you grind your teeth
  • How well you take care of the night guard

Typically, night guards are made of a special plastic material. These are durable and designed to last anywhere between 1-5 years, and in ideal scenarios they can sometimes last longer. However, some night guards are made of a softer material like thermoplastic, which lasts for less time. These usually only last up to 1-2 years, even with proper care.

A focused close-up image of a person in a white bathrobe holding up a clear mouthguard before going to bed.

If you grind your teeth heavily, you’ll likely notice your night guard wears out quickly. Fortunately, you can always return to your dentist to replace it!

Tips for Maintaining Your Night Guard

Proper care and maintenance can promote the durability and longevity of your night guard. Every night, make sure you:

  • Clean the guard regularly. Rinse your night guard with cool or lukewarm water before and after using it. Use a soft toothbrush and mild soap to remove any bacterial buildup. Don’t use hot water—this can distort the materials and change the shape of your night guard.
  • Dry the night guard completely. After cleaning, let the guard air dry before storing it to prevent bacterial growth.
  • Store the guard properly. Keep your night guard in its protective case when not in use, and make sure your case is ventilated to prevent moisture buildup and bacterial growth.
  • Avoid chewing with your mouthguard. This can wear it out quicker than normal.

When to Replace Your Night Guard

Even with the best care, your night guard will eventually need to be replaced. It’s essential to regularly examine your night guard to determine if it needs replacing. Here are some signs that it might be time for a new one:

  • Visible wear and tear. Any cracks, holes, or thinning areas are signs that the guard is no longer fully protecting your teeth.
  • Discomfort. If your guard feels uncomfortable or causes soreness, it’s likely misshapen and no longer effective.
  • Odour and discolouration. These are signs of bacterial buildup and indicate that it’s time to replace your guard.

Your dentist can assess the condition of the night guard and recommend a replacement if necessary.

Can a Night Guard Help You?

If you constantly wake up with soreness, jaw pain, and headaches, a night guard might help you find relief. Our team at Dentistry at Danforth can help you find the right guard to properly protect your teeth, and we’re ready to help however we can. Book an appointment with our team today, and let’s find out if a night guard is the answer you’ve been looking for.

Written by Dr. Kostas Papadopoulos

Dr. Kostas Papadopoulos received his Doctor of Dental Surgery degree from the University of Toronto in 1992 after completing 3 years of biochemistry and the 4-year program in dentistry. He enjoys continuing education and has attended numerous rehabilitative and cosmetic dentistry programs, including courses taught by Dr. John Kois.

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