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Category: Teeth Whitening

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Why Are My Teeth Yellow If I Brush Them Every Day?

A person looking at a toothbrush wondering about teeth while wearing a towel on their head after a shower.

Maintaining a consistent oral hygiene routine is important for healthy teeth and gums, but many people are surprised to find that their teeth appear yellow despite daily brushing. Brushing your teeth every day can remove plaque, but it doesn’t always prevent yellowing caused by deeper factors like enamel wear, diet, or lifestyle habits. To address […]

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Is Teeth Whitening Covered By Insurance?

Is Teeth Whitening Covered By Insurance? For many, a bright, white smile is a coveted image. Canadians increasingly seek out teeth whitening to revitalize their smiles after a lifetime of stains and make lasting impressions in personal and professional settings. However, with financial concerns often influencing dental choices, you may wonder if your insurance will […]

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Does Vaping Stain Your Teeth?

Does Vaping Stain Your Teeth? With vaping’s surging popularity, more people are becoming concerned about its implications on health, especially oral health. Some claim vaping is “healthier”  than smoking cigarettes, but how does it sit in regards to teeth staining? Vaping does not contain any tobacco, a significant factor in teeth discolouration, but vapes can […]

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