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Category: Dental Health

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Can You Eat After a ​Tooth Filling?

A dental patient rubbing their jaw in discomfort after trying to eat after a tooth filling was installed.

Dental fillings are a routine type of restorative dentistry. They’re a great way to restore function after dealing with cavities and minor damage. But if you’ve recently had one—or are planning to have one installed—you’ll need to know how to prepare. For example: can you eat after a tooth filling? You can eat after a […]

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How Often Should You Get Your Teeth Cleaned?

A dental patient in a blue shirt holds up a mirror to watch as a dental hygienist cleans plaque off their teeth

Growing up, our parents were in charge of making our dental appointments. Getting pulled out of school early to go to the dentist was something you could lord over your peers, as it might let you miss that one class that always made you fall asleep. However, making your own dental appointments as an adult […]

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What Foods Can I Eat After a Tooth Extraction?

A young woman wincing in pain trying to eat a popsicle after a tooth extraction.

For the first couple of days after your extraction, you should avoid solid foods at all costs. Try to focus on gentle, soft foods such as mashed potatoes, applesauce, and yogurt. After a few days, you can switch to semi-soft foods like eggs, oatmeal, and even some lean meats like fish and poultry. Within 2 weeks, you should be able to return to your usual diet, though caution is recommended if you plan on eating anything particularly crunchy or chewy. […]

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