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Category: Dental Exams

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Is Mouthwash Necessary?

Woman using mouthwash in the bathroom.

Maintaining optimal oral health involves brushing, flossing, regular dental visits, and possibly adding mouthwash to your routine. But is mouthwash necessary for a healthy smile? While not essential, mouthwash offers benefits such as reducing bacteria and freshening breath, making it a valuable addition to your oral care regimen. Daily brushing with fluoride toothpaste and flossing […]

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How Often Should You Get Your Teeth Cleaned?

A dental patient in a blue shirt holds up a mirror to watch as a dental hygienist cleans plaque off their teeth

Growing up, our parents were in charge of making our dental appointments. Getting pulled out of school early to go to the dentist was something you could lord over your peers, as it might let you miss that one class that always made you fall asleep. However, making your own dental appointments as an adult […]

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