Fluoride is a household name when it comes to oral health, but its role is often misunderstood. Most people associate fluoride with preventing cavities, but there’s also curiosity about whether fluoride can whiten teeth. Fluoride doesn’t whiten teeth in the way bleaching agents do, but it plays a big role in maintaining a bright, healthy […]
How Often Should You Get Your Teeth Cleaned?
Growing up, our parents were in charge of making our dental appointments. Getting pulled out of school early to go to the dentist was something you could lord over your peers, as it might let you miss that one class that always made you fall asleep. However, making your own dental appointments as an adult […]
Is Gum Disease Contagious?
Gum disease isn’t directly contagious, but the bacteria that cause it can be passed between people. This makes good oral hygiene, regular dental check-ups, and awareness of gum health even more important for yourself and those around you. Gum disease is often a preventable condition that can progress if untreated, so understanding its causes, symptoms, […]
How Do I Fix a Chipped Tooth?
Discovering that you have a chipped or cracked tooth can be alarming. The sudden change in your appearance and physical discomfort might make you worry. However, it’s essential not to panic—your dentist can help. The good news is that there are several ways to fix a chipped tooth. Your options include: If you have a […]
What Is a Dental Recall Exam?
The secret to a happy smile lies in regular visits to your dentist. A dental recall exam is essentially a routine appointment with your dentist 1 or 2 times annually that typically includes: There could be some variances between your exams. For example, you may not need X-rays during every appointment, or the professional cleaning […]
Do Veneers Stain?
Veneers are special coverings which are permanently bonded to your teeth. They are made from porcelain or a resin composite and are shaped and coloured to look identical to teeth. Veneers can be a great, long-lasting way to address cosmetic and aesthetic concerns you may have about your teeth. Since veneers can last up to […]
How Long Do Night Guards Last?
When it comes to maintaining a healthy smile, most of us focus on brushing and flossing every night. This is a core part of your dental care routine, and it’s key to keeping a bright, strong smile. But sometimes, you may also need to protect your teeth from nightly grinding, which can lead to significant […]
Should I Get My Teeth Cleaned Before Whitening?
Yes, you should always have your teeth professionally cleaned before whitening. This removes any stuck-on particles, tartar, and plaque that otherwise would hinder the whitening from reaching its full potential. […]
What Foods Can I Eat After a Tooth Extraction?
For the first couple of days after your extraction, you should avoid solid foods at all costs. Try to focus on gentle, soft foods such as mashed potatoes, applesauce, and yogurt. After a few days, you can switch to semi-soft foods like eggs, oatmeal, and even some lean meats like fish and poultry. Within 2 weeks, you should be able to return to your usual diet, though caution is recommended if you plan on eating anything particularly crunchy or chewy. […]
Does Tooth Decay Cause Bad Breath?
Tooth decay doesn’t cause bad breath on its own, but each issue often goes hand in hand because they can be caused by the same thing: bacteria. If you aren’t taking the right steps to prevent dental issues, you’re more likely to have a buildup of the bacteria that cause both tooth decay and bacteria. […]