Teeth Whitening in Toronto

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We Want to Help You Feel Great About Your Smile

A bright, white smile is more than how your teeth look—it changes how you feel about sharing your smile with family, friends, co-workers, and neighbours. Whether you’re nailing that job interview, capturing those special moments in photos, or simply wanting to feel beautiful, a whiter smile can make a difference.

At Dentistry on Danforth, we understand that a bright smile can be your ticket to making a great first impression. That’s why we offer a safe and effective teeth whitening system that can help you achieve a noticeably brighter smile quicker.

Visit us today so we can help you maintain your oral health and enhance your smile.

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What Causes Tooth Discolouration?

Over time, there are several reasons why you might develop tooth discolouration.

Certain daily habits, like smoking or drinking coffee, tea, and red wine, can lead to external staining, making teeth appear darker or yellowed. It’s also natural for teeth to change hue as part of aging.

Everyone’s teeth are unique, and so is the shade of white they can achieve.

What to Expect with Teeth Whitening

Our team will create custom-fitted trays for your teeth so that the whitening gel can reach every surface. 

Dentistry on Danforth offers convenient take-home whitening with custom trays for a comfortable fit. We also provide in-office whitening, all under the care of our friendly dental team.

During the treatment, the gel gently breaks down stains on your teeth, revealing a whiter, more radiant smile.

Our teeth whitening system is available for in-office or take-home treatment. We can discuss both options to help you choose an appropriate path for your goals.


We’ll start your brightening journey with a consultation to discuss your goals and determine if teeth whitening is the right option for you. We’ll address any questions you have about the treatment and alternative options.

We’ll craft custom-fitted trays for your teeth to help create a comfortable and even application of the whitening gel. The trays can be used for in-office or at-home teeth whitening treatments.

The in-office treatment can provide noticeably brighter results in a single 45-minute session. The at-home treatment uses a less concentrated formula and can be applied twice daily or overnight while you sleep.

We’ll provide clear instructions on how to use the whitening gel and mouthpiece at home. The treatment typically takes 1–2 weeks, depending on your desired level of whitening.

We’ll schedule a follow-up appointment to assess your results and your overall oral health. Our goal is to help you maintain your dental health and achieve a look that helps you feel radiant.

Teeth Whitening FAQ

Our teeth whitening system is safe and effective and has been rigorously tested.
Most patients experience little to no sensitivity with teeth whitening. However, if you do experience any sensitivity, it’s usually mild and temporary. We also offer professional guidance to help minimize sensitivity and improve your comfort.

With proper care, teeth whitening results can last several years. Brushing twice daily, flossing regularly, and avoiding staining foods and drinks (like coffee or red wine) can help maintain your whiter smile.

Teeth whitening may not be effective on fillings, crowns, or veneers. We can discuss alternative whitening options during your consultation.

It’s Time to Share Your Smile: Schedule Your Teeth Whitening Consultation

We’re here to guide you toward achieving a healthy, vibrant smile for years. We want you to feel satisfied with your dental care, whether we’re supporting your overall oral health or giving your teeth a dazzling makeover. 

Schedule your appointment with our friendly team today. Let’s talk about how to refresh your look with a brighter smile.

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Our Location

Visit our practice located on Danforth Avenue, directly across from Playter Boulevard. Our location is close to major roads and conveniently accessible by public transit.

Our Address

  • 249 Danforth Avenue
  • Toronto, ON M4K 1N2

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You can get in touch with us or ask any questions through our convenient online form. Our friendly team will contact you with a response.

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