Dental Surgery in Toronto

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Improving Your Oral Health

If a tooth has been causing you persistent pain or your jaw has been causing you discomfort, you may be a suitable candidate for dental surgery.

During a dental exam, your dentist may suggest a type of dental surgery to help maintain your oral health. Our team will be happy to discuss our findings with you so you feel comfortable and satisfied with our care.

Take care of your teeth and book your next appointment today.

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What Is Considered Dental Surgery?

Dental surgery is a term that encompasses any procedure that treats oral diseases and injuries of the teeth, mouth, and jaws. Types of dental surgery include:

  • Root canals
  • Dental implants
  • Gum grafts
  • Impacted teeth
  • Improving the fit of dentures
  • Tooth extractions
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Compassionate Care Awaits

Dental surgery may stir up certain emotions—nervousness, stress, anxiety. We want to ease your mind by answering your questions and going over the procedure you require so you know what to expect during your appointment.

We strive to provide exceptional dental care to our patients. Schedule your next visit to the dentist.

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Our Location

Visit our practice located on Danforth Avenue, directly across from Playter Boulevard. Our location is close to major roads and conveniently accessible by public transit.

Our Address

  • 249 Danforth Avenue
  • Toronto, ON M4K 1N2

Contact Information

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Contact Us

You can get in touch with us or ask any questions through our convenient online form. Our friendly team will contact you with a response.

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