Crowns & Bridges in Toronto

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Fill in the Gaps in Your Smile

Repair and replace any damaged or missing teeth in your smile with a crown or bridge. They can restore the function of your teeth and improve the appearance of your smile.

If missing teeth are negatively impacting your self-esteem, visit us to discuss how one of these dental procedures could help boost your confidence and have you smiling again.

Book your next dental appointment with our experienced team.

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What Are Dental Crowns?

Dental crowns, also known as caps, are a hollow, artificial tooth that covers and protects your natural tooth. You may need or want a crown if your tooth has been damaged, become discoloured, or is misshapen. A crown is a type of restorative dental treatment that helps repair the appearance and function of your teeth.

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What Are Dental Bridges?

A dental bridge is used to replace missing teeth. Using one artificial tooth or a row of multiple artificial teeth, a bridge fills in the gap where the natural teeth used to be. This restorative treatment is usually held in place with a crown on each end, which is secured to your natural teeth. In some cases, a bridge can also be secured by dental implants.

Visit Us for Restorative Solutions

Maintain a healthy and happy smile with the help of our professional team. To restore your teeth, arrange your next exam by booking an appointment today. We look forward to helping you improve your oral health.

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Our Location

Visit our practice located on Danforth Avenue, directly across from Playter Boulevard. Our location is close to major roads and conveniently accessible by public transit.

Our Address

  • 249 Danforth Avenue
  • Toronto, ON M4K 1N2

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You can get in touch with us or ask any questions through our convenient online form. Our friendly team will contact you with a response.

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