Our Technology in Toronto

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Why Technology Matters in Your Dental Care

Dental technology is all about making your experience better. From digital X-rays that emit less radiation to scanners that eliminate messy moulds, the goal is to help you stay safe, relaxed, and comfortable throughout your visit. 

These tools also help us diagnose oral health problems accurately and efficiently, leading to prompt and effective treatments. 

If you have questions about how our technology can benefit you, our friendly staff is happy to help. Schedule your next visit to experience our technology.

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Results That Can Brighten Your Smile

We believe everyone deserves to feel good and look good, and we’re committed to helping you achieve the smile you’ve always wanted.

That’s why we invest in modern technology and dedicate time to continuing education. By striving to stay up-to-date, we can help create results that make you smile long after you’ve left your appointment.

3Shape TRIOS Digital Impression System

No more uncomfortable and messy traditional impression trays. 

The 3Shape TRIOS intraoral scanner is a handheld device that can capture highly accurate digital images of your teeth and gums. The 3Shape scanner eliminates the need for those gooey impression materials, helping us provide a more comfortable and gag-free experience. 

Benefits for Patients

  • Comfort: No more struggling with impression trays that cause gagging or discomfort.
  • Speed: Digital scans are captured quickly and efficiently, minimizing chair time.
  • Accuracy: TRIOS can capture highly detailed images, leading to precise restorations.

Formlabs 3D Printer: Precision On-Demand

Our in-house Formlabs 3D printer helps us craft dental models and nightguards with enhanced accuracy and detail.

Formlabs technology can reduce the need to rely on external labs, streamlining the treatment process and potentially reducing turnaround times. 

Benefits for Patients

  • Fast Treatment: 3D printing allows for quick production of dental restorations, potentially leading to fewer appointments.
  • High Accuracy: Digital workflows can minimize errors and help us craft a precise fit for your restorations.
  • Personalization: Direct communication with the 3D printer allows for precise adjustments, leading to a more personalized fit.

Digital X-Rays: Improved Clarity & Safety

Gone are the days of bulky X-ray machines. We use digital X-rays to capture detailed images of your teeth and jawbone. These images can provide a clearer view compared to traditional X-rays, allowing for more accurate diagnoses and treatment planning.

Benefits for Patients

  • Reduced Radiation: Digital X-rays emit significantly less radiation compared to traditional methods.
  • Enhanced Visibility: Digital images offer superior clarity for better diagnosis and treatment planning.
  • Environmental Benefits: Digital X-rays help eliminate the need for processing chemicals, reducing our environmental footprint.

Experience Modern Technology at Dentistry on Danforth: Visit Us Today

Our friendly team at Dentistry on Danforth is excited to welcome you to our family, where your comfort and care can be enhanced by dental technology. Whether you want a routine checkup, a restorative treatment, or teeth whitening, we’re here to help you maintain a beautiful smile.

Visit us today to experience how our modern approach to dentistry can transform your smile and improve your overall oral health.

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Our Location

Visit our practice located on Danforth Avenue, directly across from Playter Boulevard. Our location is close to major roads and conveniently accessible by public transit.

Our Address

  • 249 Danforth Avenue
  • Toronto, ON M4K 1N2

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