249 Danforth Avenue, Toronto, ON, M4K 1N2


Dentures enable people who have lost some or all of their teeth to once again smile with confidence. Dentures can make chewing and speaking easier, as well as eliminate the “collapsed” look caused by missing teeth. At our practice, we offer full and partial dentures to accommodate the needs of various patients.

What Are Full Dentures?

Full Dentures are designed for individuals who have only a few or no healthy teeth remaining in their mouth. Full dentures will provide you with a warm, natural-looking smile that you can enjoy for many years to come. These dentures utilize the muscles of the tongue, cheeks, and lips for comfortable positioning and stability.

What Are Conventional Dentures?

Conventional dentures are placed after a patient’s gums have healed following the extraction of any remaining teeth. Patients who are reluctant to be without teeth during the healing process can have their dentures placed immediately after the extraction of their remaining teeth. Dr. Papadopoulos will help you determine which type of denture placement is best suited for your needs.

Although dentures may initially make it difficult to eat certain foods and pronounce certain words, with a little practice, you will be able to enjoy most foods and have little trouble pronouncing even the most difficult words.

What Are Partial Dentures?

Partial Dentures are an excellent option for people who wish to fill the spaces left by multiple missing teeth. Unlike full dentures, partial dentures are anchored in place by clasps or hidden devices called precision attachments. Because they fit snugly and comfortably between existing teeth, partial dentures can eliminate discomfort associated with biting and chewing, as well as improve speech impediments caused by missing teeth. These Dentures also provide the support necessary to prevent teeth from shifting and causing gum damage.

Partial dentures are composed of prosthetic teeth, usually plastic, set in pink or gum-coloured bases joined by a metal frame. These dentures are customized to match the size, shape, and colour of your existing teeth to give you a full, natural looking smile.

What Are The Benefits Of Dentures?

There are many reasons why someone can lose a tooth or teeth. It’s not always down to poor oral care and is most definitely not your fault. It could be due to growing older or maybe you fell and knocked a tooth out. Either way, this can be a common issue and you’re not alone. If you have missing teeth you may find it hard to smile and your self-esteem may be at an all-time low. Full or partial dentures may help restore your confidence so you can smile again.

Patients who are missing teeth have also noted their speech has been affected. Once dentures are in place speaking can become easier and clearer. This is another way to increase self-esteem and leave patient’s feeling great.

Additionally, it can be difficult for patients with missing teeth to eat. Food that is chewy or very solid can be very difficult to eat. This may mean some individuals have to skip their favourite food. Full or partial dentures may help improve your food choices.

How To Care For Your Dentures?

If you decide to have dentures fitted it’s still important to take good care of them. It’s possible for dentures to stain due to a build-up of plaque just like natural teeth would. If you don’t look after your dentures correctly plaque can spread to your natural teeth. As a result, you would be at risk of gum disease and cavities. It’s also important to report any cracks in your dentures if you come across them.

If you want to find out more about our denture services then contact us today. We can answer your questions and schedule an appointment with one of our team members.